Hoylake Road Medical Centre

314 Hoylake Road Moreton Wirral, CH46 6DE

Telephone: 0151 677 2425


The practice is open 08:00 - 18:30.The phone lines are open 08:30 - 18:30.

Looking After Yourself

Find your local Job Centre- Please click the link to find your nearest Job Centre. We are hear to support everyone. https://www.jobcentrenearme.com/

The Better Health webpage is available at www.nhs.uk/betterhealth This provides tools to help manage weight loss – from checking your BMI, to getting access to free support tools including the NHS 12-week weight loss plan.

Cervical Screening – Don’t Forget – Cervical screening can prevent cancer before it starts. Two women die every day from cervical cancer. Don’t ignore your cervical screening invite. If you missed your last cervical screening, book an appointment with our practice nurse.

Bowel Cancer Screening – please click here to see our page with more information about the national bowel screening programme

Blood in Pee – could be a sign of cancer. Do you look before you flush? If you don’t, you may miss seeing blood in your pee – a possible sign of cancer. If you notice it, even if it’s ‘just the once’ tell your doctor. For more info: www.nhs.uk/bip

Lower My Drinking App – offers expert advice and scientifically proven tools to reduce your drinking to the recommended 14 units per week or less. The app has been designed by clinical psychologists and behavioural scientists to help reduce your drinking to a safer level. Download app on Google Play or App Store, or visit https://www.lowermydrinking.com

Support to help you quit –  ABL Wirral offer free smoking advice and support. Simply call them on 0151 541 5656, or visit https://www.ablhealth.co.uk/wirral/ to stop today

Help us help you – NHS Cancer Campaign

Contact the surgery if you have had the following symptoms for three weeks or more:

  • – a cough  OR
  • – tummy trouble such as diarrhoea or discomfort


Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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